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I am a specialist in body percussion and psychomotor pedagogy through rhythm.
I have spent much of my life dedicated to music, be it studying, teaching, writing drum learning books and playing live in ensembles of various styles. I earned a Magna Cum Laude from Berklee College of Music; I have taught drums, body percussion and classical music at the private Conservatory L’intérpret for 15 years, and I have performed in formations such as Say When, Order of the Artists, both from Boston, Orquestra Simfònica de Sant Cugat and Lleidart ensemble, among many others.
At the same time, I have dedicated myself to offering rhythm-based activities to schools, high schools, vocational training centers and companies.
One of the activities I offer, Ritme Vital, has been included in the Recull of 2024. The Recull is a set of activities that the Diputació de Barcelona selects and offers to the councils of the province of Barcelona as training for entrepreneurs.
Apart from that, in recent times, I have trained in the Taketina® system in Vienna, with its creator: the musician Reinhard Flatischler.
To say “it’s me”, we hit our chests. To show that we really like something, we strike one hand against the other. Body percussion is present in our everyday life, it also appears in ancestral and modern dances from all over the world.
What attracts us to express ourselves in this way?
With the activities based on body percussion that I offer, you will enjoy creating rhythms with different sounds and movements; you will feel the rhythmic pulse of the group we form, a fundamental pulse that unites us in a primal rhythm.
A standard body percussion session lasts 90′, in which I offer games that have a dual function: they break the ice and strengthen the pulse of all participants, whether as individuals or as a group.
Several sessions can be contracted with the same group, in order to further increase all the benefits provided by body percussion.
Coordination is one of the skills developed throughout the session through specific exercises. Arms and legs are coordinated while making movements in space, in all directions.
Memory also plays a prominent role thanks to the practice of specific choreographies for each group, situation and interests (according to style, duration, intensity, etc.). These are with and without backing music.
The general rhythm of the class is constant and adaptable to the physical abilities and age of each group.
A large enough space is needed to allow the free movement of the participants in all directions.

In this activity that I offer, we will deal with a typical business theme, such as decision-making and giving and receiving orders, from an unusual point of view: working with rhythm. And all this thanks to a large number of exercises and practical games, based on a proprietary methodology, the result of more than 15 years dedicated to teaching, and also based on the Drum Circle and the Taketina system. The latter is a method applied with great success in the field of music therapy in countries such as Austria and Germany. Thanks to all these resources, the participant will gradually get used to flowing with specific rhythmic patterns, and to address, in a timely manner, short interventions to the other participants.
The activity has a short informative part about the beneficial effects of music in general and rhythm in particular, and another, broader, practical part.
The activity consists of a single two-hour session.
A projector and sound equipment are required for the room.

Taketina is rhythm in essence and depth, which leads you to remember your innate rhythm, thus promoting inner connection and a connection with those around you.
This connection brings the individual and the group into a constant state of flow that greatly contributes to increased creativity, intuition, general well-being and productivity. The foundations of this shared space are timelessness and effortlessness.
The Taketina process applied to the company brings numerous individual benefits to each participant and to the group. It smoothes the relationship between members, and also equips them with new sensory skills, such as simultaneous perception, which helps to make teamwork more profitable at all levels.
“Simultaneous perception”, specifically, is the ability to perceive different stimuli from different sources at the same time and act accordingly, either by giving a verbal response or creating a new physical action.
A practical example of this would be to make a rhythmic pattern using hands and feet, while making a body movement (displacement in space and/or different movements of arms, legs and trunk) and, in addition, being able to think of the next step/movement/pattern and then communicate this to the group you are working with.
For practice, you need a large space, enough for the participants to form a circle and have at least half a meter free to the right and left, between one participant and another.
The instructor uses two instruments to accompany the session: the surdo, a deep drum that acts as a base by giving a constant pulsation, and the berimbau, a stringed instrument that helps in tuning the different vocal phrasings.
Taketina sessions can last from one morning to several days.
This activity will be available from April 2024.

These simple plastic tubes offer many opportunities for musical expression, only limited by your imagination. They are naturally tuned, so joint harmonies and even group melodies can be created. The activity I offer is the creation and management of a pipe orchestra with the active participation of everyone.
Pedagogical objectives
Creating musical harmony among the whole class using tuned plastic tubes.
Developing listening skills and teamwork.
Turn taking when playing.
Basic theoretical knowledge of harmony, put into practice.
- Chord progression I-IV-V
- pentatonic scale
- Body percussion
- Dynamics and accents
- Notes on the beat and off the beat
- Call and response exercises
To carry out the activity, you need a chair for each participant and a space of half a meter between each one.
The activity lasts one hour and all the necessary material is provided by the instructor.
Without these people this website would not have been possible
Ken Goddard
Art and design
Lluis Marcet
Web layout
Albert Verdú
Contact form
Fill out the contact form and I will contact you as soon as I can. If you prefer, you can also send me an email at info@ignasicorella.com or contact me via WhatsApp.